
Lesson 7: Using Metafacture as Command Line Tool

While we had fun with our Metafacture Playground another way to use Metafacture is the command line. For running a Metafacture flux process we need a terminal and installed JAVA 11 ore higher. For creating and editing Flux and Fix files we need an texteditor like Codium/VS Code or others.

For this lesson basic knowledge of the commandline is recommended.

Check if Java 11 or higher is installed with java -version in your terminal. If not, install JAVA 11 or higher.

To use Metafacture on the commandline we can download the latest runner of Metafacture Fix:

Unzip the downloaded metafix-runner distribution to your choosen folder and you can run your workflows:


./bin/metafix-runner path/to/your.flux

or Windows:

./bin/metafix-runner.bat path/to/your.flux

(Hint: You need to know the path to your file to run the function.)

To get quick started let’s revisit a Flux we toyed around with in the playground. The playground has a nice feature to export and import Metafacture Workflows.

Export the workflow and lets run the flux.

./bin/metafix-runner downloads/playground.flux


./bin/metafix-runner.bat downloads/playground.flux

The result should be the same.

The Metafacture ClI Tool expects a flux file for every workflow. Our runned workflow only has a flux and no additional files since it i querring data from the web and it has no fix transformations.

| open-http
| as-lines
| decode-json
| encode-yaml
| print

If you want to load a local file instead of fetching data from the web we need to change the flux a little bit with an texteditor.

| open-file
| as-lines
| decode-json
| encode-yaml
| print

If we want to use fix we need to refrence the fix file that in the playground we only refrenced via |fix

| open-file
| as-lines
| decode-json
| fix("path/to/your/fixFile.json")
| encode-yaml
| print

Hint: You can use the varliable FLUX_DIR to shorten the file path if the file is in the same folder as the flux-file.

FLUX_DIR + "file.json"
| open-file
| as-lines
| decode-json
| fix(FLUX_DIR + "fixFile.json")
| encode-yaml
| print

If you are using variables, that are not defined in the flux, you can pass them on with the CLI:


| open-file
| as-lines
| decode-json
| fix(FLUX_DIR + "fixFile.json")
| encode-yaml
| print

You could use:

./bin/metafix-runner path/to/your.flux FILE="path/to/your/file.json"

TODO: Give homework: - Provide a file or a file-folder. - Give a homework. - Give the solution.

Next lesson: 07 Processing MARC